#BTC走势分析 #德国政府转移比特币 #德国政府转移比特币 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划

Let's talk about the core of the circle.

What Mentougou, what German government market, are they really the cause? None of them.

The currency circle contract circle is a black jungle, there is no law.

You can play online in the Macau venue without law.

After a wave of bull market, it is full of 2x, 5x, 10x, 20x leveraged contract positions (margin * leverage). Isn't this money?

In the bull market, the price of the currency is at a new high every day, and the position is rising. At the beginning of the year, the contract position of aicoin24 was about 110 billion, and it reached 195 billion at 72,000 in June.

This wave of clearing leverage has caused the currency price to fall from 72,000 to 53,800

The contract position fell from 195 billion to 142 billion, and with the rebound, the position rose to 147 billion.

72000-53800=18200/72000=-25%The high point fell by -25%, which means that basically all leverages above 7 times in the market took away this wave of 195 billion to 142 billion, which were high leverages above 10 times.

But what about those 2x, 3x, and 5x contract leverages? They are trapped but still alive. When the contract position is deleveraged to 110 billion, it will be almost there, and then the low leverage will be cleared.

The essence of this circle is to clear 10x leverage once a month, 5x leverage once every 3 months, and 2-3x leverage once every 6-8 months.

It has always been like this. To put it simply, when you go to Macau, you often win small money first, then go deep into it and lose big money in the end.

Contracts and spot are two different worlds.

Leverage must be cleared every six months, so the pace of this circle is fast

One day in the currency circle is one year in the human world, and it repeats like this.