In April this year, Bitcoin ushered in the fourth round of halving events in its history. Due to the reduction in block rewards and the lack of significant increase in currency prices, miners are facing tremendous operating pressure.

This morning, Bitcoin was affected by the news that Mt. Gox transferred 47,229 bitcoins from its cold wallet. At around 11 a.m., it fell below $55,000, hitting a new low in four months.


f2pool: More and more ASIC mining machines are losing money

In this context, f2pool, one of the world's largest Bitcoin mining pools, posted a message on the social platform X late yesterday, pointing out that as the price of BTC falls, more and more ASIC mining machines will face losses:

With the price of Bitcoin falling below $58,000, the profitability of mining has been affected. At an electricity cost of $0.08 per kWh, ASIC miners with an efficiency below 23 Watts/Hash (W/T) will face losses.

Shenyu: The opportunity is coming again

However, regarding the current situation, Discus Fish, the founder of f2pool and crypto asset custody company Cobo, does not seem to be pessimistic. On the contrary, he also posted that "the opportunity is coming again."

The mining machine has stopped working... the opportunity is coming again

Regarding the "opportunity" mentioned by Shenyu, a community member further explained that the shutdown of mining machines usually indicates some kind of turning point in the market.

In the cryptocurrency market, large price fluctuations are common, especially in the current market environment, and mining machine downtime often marks a turning point in the market. The following is a detailed analysis of this phenomenon and the opportunities it may bring:

1. Background of market fluctuations and mining machine downtime

The cryptocurrency market is extremely volatile, with frequent price fluctuations. Mining machine downtime frequently occurs when prices fall to a certain level that makes mining no longer economically viable. For example, when the price of Bitcoin falls below a certain level, miners' mining costs, including electricity costs and equipment depreciation, may exceed mining revenue, and miners usually choose to stop running mining machines.

The main reasons for mining machine downtime include:

  1. Price crash: When the price of cryptocurrencies drops to a certain level, miners’ mining income may not be enough to cover operating costs, such as electricity and labor costs.

  2. Rising electricity costs: Rising electricity costs may also lead to mining machine downtime, as high electricity bills will directly affect the economic viability of mining.

  3. Equipment aging and increased maintenance costs: As mining equipment ages, the cost of repairs and updates also increases, which can become one of the factors that cause miners to shut down.

2. Signals of market adjustment

While mining downtime generally signals a weak market, it can also signal potential investment opportunities:

  1. Market bottoming: Miner downtime may indicate that the market is approaching a price bottom phase. For investors, this may be an opportunity to buy at a lower price as the market price may be close to the bottom.

  2. Opportunity for technical adjustment: As prices fall, more miners exit the market, making network difficulty adjustments more favorable to remaining miners or new entrants.

  3. Long-term investment opportunities: From a long-term investment perspective, periods of market decline provide good buying opportunities. Investors can accumulate assets during periods of low prices and wait for the market to pick up and rise.

Although mining machine downtime brings potential market opportunities, investors still need to manage risks to avoid capital losses:

  1. Price volatility risk: The cryptocurrency market prices fluctuate drastically and investors need to be prepared for possible further declines.

  2. Diversification of investment portfolio: Investors should consider diversifying their investment portfolio and avoid concentrating all funds in a single asset to reduce risk.

  3. Utilize technical analysis: Use technical analysis tools to evaluate market trends and potential rebound signals. Understanding technical indicators and market trends can help you make smarter investment decisions.

  4. The impact of market psychology: The psychological state of investors has a significant impact on market fluctuations. When the market panics, it is crucial to stay calm and rational.

  5. Adjustment of strategy: During market downturns, investors should adjust their investment strategies to focus on long-term investment opportunities rather than just short-term market fluctuations.

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