The recent market downturn has worried many people, and almost everyone is facing losses. This is a stage in the market cycle. No one can win all the time, looking back, just like the period from March to May 2021 three years ago.

Since the beginning of this year, Bitcoin has risen by 300% and is now starting its second correction. Many people have chosen to stay away from the market, and some even feel desperate, but these feelings are often caused by market fluctuations. Every dark period ends with a new light.

Now it's time to make new plans. We need to wait and see first. Fortunately, we don't use too much leverage. The fourth quarter is coming, and the cyclical rise, fall and consolidation of the market are all part of this game.

5 years of experience in the currency circle, you can consult any questions, and friends who want to make progress together with Jiaqungouliu can see my introduction to the industry

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