The 52,000 area predicted by the chief has been successfully reached⚠️⚠️

I remember that a few days ago, I posted that it would fall to 52,000, and a brother in the comment area said that he would take a screenshot as evidence‼ ️

Are you still there, brother who took the screenshot as evidence🤔I didn’t let you wait for long, it fell to 52,000 in 3 days‼ ️Have you followed me to turn over the position⁉️

This wave of decline📉I started shouting to everyone on May 31st when Bitcoin was still at 72,000. Once Bitcoin fell below 65,800, enter the short position immediately without hesitation‼ ️How many brothers listened?

It really confirms the words of the fans in the community. Every time the fans of the chief make a lot of money, it is when other groups lose a lot of money🥲
