There are no opportunities in the recent short-term market. The main idea yesterday was to watch more and do less. Not operating is also an operation.

The current price has reached the C area given in Figure 2 days ago. This area is a medium- and long-term support, and it is expected to stop the decline of this daily line. However, from a morphological point of view, the daily line has fallen below the lower track of the oscillation box, so the previous main control line 62019 will form a large suppression, which has a certain impact on the original upward trend of the daily line, and may directly lead to a reversal of the daily long- and short-term structure. The 10% medium- and long-term chips I bought before have been eliminated. If I buy again, I will wait for the 4H structure to come out and see. For the time being, I will operate conservatively! In terms of short-term structure, the daily line has fallen below the box here, and there is not much support structure inside. I will continue to rest for a day today. #BTC #德国政府转移比特币 $BTC