Have you noticed that BTC is falling every morning when you wake up?

The total amount of BTC held by the Chinese government seems to rank second among governments around the world, and more than half of the recent declines in BTC have started between 7 and 9 o'clock on weekdays.

I believe everyone has already felt some changes in market dominance. The price fluctuations in the US market have begun to be significantly lower than those in the Asian market, and the declines this week happened to be in the early Chinese market...

Although I have seen some bigwigs believe that the Chinese government will never sell BTC, the strange phenomenon shown in the current market tells me that there may be some changes here;

First of all, according to the approximately 200,000 BTC in the hands of the Chinese government, these coins are calculated at an average price of 60,000 US dollars in the past two weeks, and are worth about 12 billion US dollars, which is equivalent to 87.6 billion RMB. Although this amount is only enough to fill the gaps between the teeth of a government with tight finances, it is better than nothing.

On the other hand, the on-chain records of these coins only appeared once in 2019, and then they could not be found again. At that time, it was rumored that it was related to the collapse of PlusToken. The number that could be found online was 192,000 BTC and other cryptocurrencies;

Compared with the German government's stock of less than 40,000 coins, this is the big head, and it is a big head that is difficult to track.

Of course, this is just a guess based on the coincidence that the recent BTC break-down time has been during Chinese working hours for a week. I have no solid evidence, so please treat it as a "conspiracy theory".

What I can confirm is that the Chinese government is currently under great pressure on foreign exchange, and internal financial problems are also very urgent. It is a state of urgent need for capital to flow back from all aspects, and the BTC in hand may not be that important compared to the critical moment of the current Sino-US game.

$12 billion is not big, but it is indeed not small.

#BTC走势分析 #德国政府转移比特币 $BTC