No matter how much you trust the chief's judgment, you can't go all-in with a heavy position‼ ️

Although the floating profit is 210,000 U, it is very dangerous⚠️⚠️

Many people say that the chief, you judge the market so accurately, why don't you just go all-in with a heavy position a few times? That would be financial freedom⁉️If I like to go all-in with a heavy position, I would not be the chief today, and I would have been hurt by the transaction and retired‼ ️

I still have today⁉️My friend was excited about the operation. Yesterday, he made a floating profit of 150,000 U. He doubled his position in excitement🥲The final forced liquidation price was 3650, which scared him🥲Although he made millions, I still scolded him severely

The most important thing for trading is to win steadily. Only by staying at the table forever can you make money forever💰
