I don't have any new operation instructions. I don't have any operation now⚠️⚠️

I still maintain my previous view on the market😅I said a top analyst. To see if he is powerful or not, you have to see how long he can predict the market at one time. I predict a wave and directly predict the high and low points of a big trend. If an analyst has different analysis every day, he will call for a drop today and a rise tomorrow📈

Then what do you think this person is⁉️Short-term gambler⁉️Or is he a long and short one time and then he will shoot himself in the foot⁉️Do you think that a person who changes his view on the market anytime and anywhere, his analysis of the market is accurate⁉️

There is also the issue of matching pictures. I personally believe in doing things to the extreme. My mission and responsibility is to analyze the market and find good-looking pictures for everyone. Making different pictures is not my specialty. I can't divide my energy into several parts. My picture is matched and posted many times, because my long-term order is a single order for several days in a row. It is very normal. The second is still the same point of view. I don't spend energy on making pictures. Coconut Tree knows it, right? The packaging has not changed for thousands of years, but so many people still buy it? Why? Because it tastes good. I hope you read my article because you want to make money, not because you want to see pictures🙏💰💰#美联储何时降息?