There is a conceptual word called "field". Generally speaking, when you go to a supermarket, you want to buy food; when you go to a game console, you want to play games; when you go to a library, you want to read books, and so on. It will also trigger a series of behaviors and fantasies. Libraries, study rooms or offices are usually associated with work and study, while home is associated with rest.

"Field" is also a specific environment that triggers a series of behaviors. When you arrive in this environment, you will naturally do something, just like being summoned by some force. People are more sensitive. When you cultivate your own environmental field, the more details you have, the stronger the power of the field will be, and it will also produce psychological hints.

If the field is so powerful, we can cultivate different fields in our daily lives to allow our minds to rest.


Humans are social animals, so the "field" is composed of other people's specific spatial behaviors. For example, if everyone is reading in the classroom, then you will not look at your phone. If everyone is working with their heads down in the office, then you will be prompted to work hard and concentrate on your work. When you go to the library, you will want to read and study, because there are many people working and studying there, and the "field" is strong. The behavioral space of social animals has a subtle influence on individuals in a specific environment, which is why it is necessary to choose and create a suitable learning or working environment.


The "field" also comes from one's own behavior in space. Just like the desk at home, if you approach it just to read, then subconsciously you will only want to read and not do other things. When you turn on the computer, you spend most of your time playing games, and it is difficult to concentrate on doing other things. Just like some living habits, the first thing you do when you enter the door is to wash your hands, change slippers and clothes, and then do other things.


In fact, the so-called "field" is to do habitual things in a specific space and form psychological expectations. The simpler and longer the things done in this "field", the stronger the power of this field will be.

Of course, you can also create an energy field for yourself and do specific things, such as growing flowers and raising fish. When doing these things, you should do them with a positive and joyful mood, and tell yourself that you will be healed. Then when you do these things again, your "energy" will be restored. Or you can sit alone quietly in a fixed place without being disturbed, which can also restore your energy. Getting used to this requires more mutual respect and understanding.

I remember a sister cooked a seafood meal for me. She was very happy to see me at that time, so when she was cooking, her mood was quite happy. When I was eating that meal, I could also feel her care for the food, and I was in a happier mood after eating. In daily life, if there is a negative and complaining "field", many things will be subtly influenced.


What exactly is “field”? If you look at it in depth, it is more like your own past struggles, struggles, pride or grief, etc. These things may seem insignificant to others, but they have different meanings to you. It is the memory and history of your own growing environment.

Everyone has a field, and people are divided into groups, so I think in the process of growing up, I don’t want to waste even a minute on internal affairs, but rather experience more of the feelings brought by the beautiful and positive "field". By actively nurturing these "fields", I can gain more comfort, peace and a sense of accomplishment in my daily life.

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