For a long time, there has always been such a phenomenon in the investment market: in the process of rising emotions (in the process of rising markets), some people's positions are also increasing, until they are fully invested, and they look into the distance firmly. In this process, the floating profits of these people are also increasing. But with the adjustment of the market, the floating profits continue to decrease until the principal, until the loss, and the positions cannot move. Of course, there are also differentiations: holding on and cutting meat, etc.

An important reason why it is difficult to make money in investment is that many people operate according to human nature (follow market emotions), rather than painfully operating against human nature. As the saying goes, born in worry, die in comfort. People are easily driven by emotions, but the difference is how much they are driven, the more they are driven, the harder it is to make money. Therefore, we must have an independent consciousness and jump out of the group emotions. It is difficult to be a human relationship, and so is investment.

There has always been reincarnation in the investment market. What is the essence of reincarnation? Fluctuations in liquidity and emotions are large and small. Big ones are like big cycles, such as the halving cycle in our circle; small ones are like the tides within the big cycles, such as the emotional cycle of MEME, the chaos of the golden shovel, etc. (these have been reminded and discussed). Liquidity and emotions go hand in hand, and liquidity is divided into active liquidity and passive liquidity (following the slaves of emotions).

Generally speaking, the initial active liquidity is brought by the dealer, and the final passive liquidity is brought by the group of takers. If you want not to take over, you need to cultivate your mind, 䀅👗➕蝛:rgbn985 Don't squeeze in when the market sentiment is hot (usually there is a relatively large wealth effect); on the contrary, you have to stay away from the crowd and make an emotional band (get out when the emotions are hot, so that money can come in when the emotions are low); at the same time, you must pay attention to the overall funds.

Trend trading secrets one ~

All your buying and selling operations should not be determined based on your own profits and losses, but should be determined based on the objective state of the market.

Practice well~#德国政府转移比特币 #ASI代币合并计划 #美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #非农就业数据即将公布