The market continued to fall during the day. The German government's address changed again. The long orders of the biscuit ether contract were liquidated, and the concentrated price of liquidation continued to move down.

Currently, the concentrated price of biscuit liquidation is 58415. There are 324,000 long orders liquidated at this point.

The concentrated price of ether liquidation is around 3137. There are 257,000 long orders liquidated at this point.

Currently, Sun Ge said on the social platform that he negotiated with the German government to buy all biscuits off-site to reduce the impact on the market.

But the market is currently in a panic and many people are trapped. They all want to pull up some to get rid of the trap. The current price stays around 57,800. Even if there is a rebound in the current form, the strength is very limited.

"If you are still underwater and can't see the trend of the market, you will fall if you are bullish and rise if you are bearish. Follow my homepage and share the profit code for free every day."

#美国首次申领失业救济人数超出预期 #非农就业数据即将公布 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划