
The US non-farm data for June will be released, and the situation is complicated! ?

The US will release non-farm data for June, and the market expects the number of employed people to increase by 200,000, which is less than 272,000 in May.

The average monthly increase was 183,000 before, which looks good, but some people don't believe it.

The chief economist of Regions Financial said that the government's employment survey is inaccurate, the initial estimates of the non-farm report are often too high, and there are few actual job opportunities.

Other economic surveys also show that recruitment has slowed down, as evidenced by the ADP report, the ISM service industry index, and the number of initial unemployment claims.

The unemployment rate rose from 4% in May to 4% in June. Some people say that the increase in unemployment is not that serious, young workers contribute more, and the unemployment rate of middle-aged workers has not changed much.

In terms of wages, the average hourly wage is expected to increase by 0.3% month-on-month in June, and the increase in the past year may drop from 4.1% to 3.9%. The Federal Reserve hopes that the labor market will cool down again, otherwise it will be difficult to control inflation.

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