Conduit airdrop feast accelerates the dreams of crypto developers!

Project Introduction:

Conduit, as a bright new star in the crypto space, is leading a new era of crypto infrastructure. The platform has successfully raised $44 million in seed funding from top investment institutions including Paradigm, Coinbase, and Robot Ventures, fully demonstrating its market potential and industry recognition. Conduit is committed to building an ecosystem that fully supports crypto developers, accelerates project incubation, promotes technological innovation, and injects strong momentum into the future development of the crypto world.

Operation process guide:

  1. Adding a test network

    Open the Metamask wallet and manually add the Superposition Testnet test network.

    Setup name: Superposition Testnet,

    RPC URL:,

    Chain ID: 98985,

    Currency symbol: SPN.

  2. Get $SPN test tokens

    Visit and click Request $SPN Test Token.

    Tokens will be issued to your wallet within one minute.

  3. Get Arbitrum Sepolia Test $ETH

    or faucet,

    Request test $ETH in the Arbitrum Sepolia network.

  4. Bridging $SPN Tokens

    Go to and connect your EVM wallet.

    Bridge $SPN tokens from Arbitrum to the Superposition testnet and switch the network to Arbitrum Sepolia for sending.

  5. DEX Trading Experience

    Visit and connect your EVM wallet.

    Try exchanging fUSDC for WETH or other tokens on the DEX platform and experience a smooth transaction process.

  6. Minting NFTs

    Go to the Zora platform and mint your own NFT artwork on the Base platform.

  7. Feedback and Interaction

    Join the Conduit Discord community ( and share your experience and valuable feedback in the feedback tab.

The Conduit airdrop feast has begun. This is not only an opportunity to obtain test tokens, but also a great opportunity for you to gain in-depth understanding and participate in building the future of the crypto world. Join us and work hand in hand with global crypto developers to explore unlimited possibilities and create a brilliant future in the crypto field!

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