Along with the market, Pendle's TVL also plummeted. In the past week, Pendle's TVL has decreased by about 43%, from the highest point of 6.24 billion US dollars on June 27 to only 3.54 billion US dollars today. Its data panel shows that the average daily TVL is 123 million US dollars compared to yesterday's browser. The downward trend may not change in the short term due to the superimposed market.

The biggest reasons should be two points.

06.27 A large number of LRT PTs expired, resulting in the withdrawal of funds: Sun Ge alone redeemed 293 million US dollars of tokens.

PT/YT is expected to plummet, and everyone is generally tired of the points game: PT is expected to fall below 10%, and the new coin launch of the agreement is not as expected, which has significantly reduced the demand for YT. Are you still involved in Pendle now?

#美国首次申领失业救济人数超出预期 #非农就业数据即将公布 #美国首次申领失业救济人数超出预期