1. Differences in gameplay: Different perspectives of Eastern and Western investors

In the world of SOL, there seems to be a subtle misalignment between the playing methods of domestic investors and foreign investors. Foreign players are like a group of savvy Alpha hunters. They are good at catching those Meme coins that are just beginning to show their potential. They accurately arrange at low levels of tens of K to hundreds of K like treasure hunting, and then push these potential coins to a market value of millions or even higher through community marketing (CX) and Twitter publicity. Successful cases such as Bobby, Mao, MC, and Dilly all confirm the effectiveness of this strategy. Domestic investors tend to chase high-profit and hot coins, but they are prone to take over at high levels, missing the low-cost intervention opportunities of those potential stocks in the early stages.

2. Psychology and strategy: the game between big plate and small plate

The psychological mechanism behind this difference is worth pondering. Many foreign Alpha founders and opinion leaders (KOLs) tend to observe when the market is still small, and wait until it shows enough market potential before intervening. They enjoy the growth process from small to huge. In contrast, domestic investors generally prefer projects that seem to have large-scale potential, such as $billy, but there are often very few projects that can really stand out. In addition, domestic investors' pursuit of hot coins and celebrity coins, as well as their blind enthusiasm for opening highs, also reflect certain limitations in trading strategies.

3. Culture and Habits: Differences in CX Acceptance

Another significant difference is the acceptance of community marketing. Foreign investors are willing to participate in CX. They are willing to speak out on social media, promote project development through teamwork, and achieve a leap in currency value. Some investors can even buy at low prices in the early stages and hold until the value soars dozens or even hundreds of times, enjoying excess returns. Domestic investors, on the other hand, prefer the passive income model of "buy and rise", and are less enthusiastic about actively participating in community building and promotion. When they see the currency prices pushed up by foreign investors through active CX, they often choose to take over at high levels, missing out on opportunities for low-cost intervention and in-depth participation.

In summary, in the gameplay of the SOL market, the differences between domestic and foreign investors are mainly reflected in the trade-off between risk and return, the choice between large and small gold plates, and the attitude towards community marketing. Faced with such a market environment, investors may be able to examine their investment strategies more rationally, learn from the successful experience of foreign investors, and embrace this cryptocurrency world full of opportunities and challenges with a more flexible and open mind. #非农就业数据即将公布 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #币安合约锦标赛 Click on the avatar 👉 to follow me: explore potential currencies together and enter the market easily! Let us go hand in hand in the currency circle, ride the wind and waves, and explore the infinite possibilities of digital currency together!