
Interest rate cuts and bull market: Crazy or calm?

As long as the Fed cuts interest rates, the bull market will be like a wild horse! 2025 may be the time of this madness!

But some people think that the bull market started before the interest rate cut, and the interest rate cut may trigger a big drop.

Market views are varied. Many people do not think there will be a big bull market, saying that 2025 is the twilight of the bull market.

Some people are cautiously optimistic and think that the bull market will continue in the next few years, but they are all affected by the expectation of interest rate cuts. There will be big fluctuations when the expectations come true.

The last round of interest rate cuts in July 2019, according to some people's logic, the bull market should end, but in fact, the big bull market in the currency circle did not start until April after the interest rate cut ended!

If this round of interest rate cuts starts in September this year and lasts for a year, the big bull market will be even crazier!

The last round of interest rate cuts lasted for eight months, and this round of interest rates is high, and it may last for more than a year!

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