Everyone, please pay attention!

Everyone, please pay attention!

Everyone, please pay attention!

Basic safety rules for USDT transactions

Remember! If you are greedy for cheapness, your account will be frozen if you withdraw cash directly from the exchange!

Never trust any promise of funds from any currency trader on the exchange, and be sure to verify its authenticity yourself!

Remember that risk-free funds will never exist safely in the cryptocurrency market!

Be alert! Large cash transactions on the same trading platform often involve illegal fleet funds (that is, black money obtained through illegal means)!

The current market is full of chaos. Even if you strictly review the transaction flow and real-name information, once the other party reports to the police, you may become a suspect involved in the case. The police will not turn a blind eye to you because you are involved in virtual currency transactions. If the victim's funds flow through your hands, you will be responsible for refunding. Profits belong to others, and risks are borne by you alone. This is the current situation!

The first principle: Don't be tempted by high prices. Behind all high-priced transactions, there are often fleet funds (black money). The "purity" of funds needs to go through multiple rounds of screening, just like sifting sand. The more meticulous you are, the lower your chance of being caught. I was lucky enough to escape a disaster, but I know that the funds were strange and it was purely luck.

Secondly, for large-scale USDT transactions, be sure to choose a large merchant with an excellent reputation. If its transaction volume does not reach tens of thousands of orders and the success rate is less than 90%, just ignore it. Although the transaction price of such merchants may be low, the risk of freezing the card is relatively low. However, do not blindly trust that large merchants can completely avoid freezing the card. Risks always exist. Last year, the successive incidents of SHIELD merchants are a lesson for us.

Furthermore, in addition to the two well-known exchanges of Ouyi and Binance, the operators behind other platforms, especially Yibifu and EB, may be related to online gambling money laundering activities, and the risk factor is higher. What is worrying is that there are still a large number of water armies on the Internet recommending novices to go to these high-risk platforms to participate in "moving bricks", causing many novice users to suffer.

Therefore, preventing black and gray funds and fund freezing is the first lesson that every cryptocurrency participant must learn, and it may also be a key lesson that determines their fate.

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