Bigger harvest is still to come‼ ️‼ ️The harvest of bulls and spot parties has not yet been completely completed‼ ️

Wall Street sold 30 billion bitcoins⚠️The downward trend will continue for a long time⁉️

This wave of decline has been repeated countless times. As early as last month, after Ethereum's ETf passed, we reminded everyone after Bitcoin rose to the 70,000 mark on May 31st. If Bitcoin tests the 65,000 key area again this time, once it falls below 65,800, the entire market will go to the short side📉📉

So after falling below 65,800⚠️

I kept reminding everyone not to listen to other teachers to buy at the bottom, because the general voice in the market at that time, and the general voice of other KOLs were to let everyone buy at the bottom. I kept reminding everyone not to buy at the bottom, but to short. Three articles were published on the same day to give specific points and remind everyone to enter the short position. I don’t know if you listened. Then our short position went all the way from around 3,800 to the current 3,300. Ah, there is no leakage in the middle band, so the continuous band shorting. There have been five short orders to stop profit. The cumulative points of Ziyun on Ethereum have exceeded 1200 points. Because of the direct operation of five consecutive short orders, each order is directly a big trend, so our short order stop profit has accumulated more than 1200 points. So once again, I will take everyone to publicly eat this downward trend to help everyone escape the top📉

#美国首次申领失业救济人数超出预期 #非农就业数据即将公布