I'll say it again. I'm not doing this for money😂 Many people give me money and I will return it😂

So I don't know if those who spread rumors and slandered me for cheating membership fees are crazy because of poverty, or they are just such liars. They are too cunning. You think others are dirty💩

I have rejected a lot of people because of their immature investment concepts or because I think they can't keep up with our operations. Do I need to post articles every day like other bloggers to cut fans?

Charging is just a threshold for me to filter people. I just need to find people who make money with us. There are hundreds of people looking for me every day. I can't handle it if I don't set a threshold. I still have to concentrate on trading. As I said, there will always be a very small number of people in this world who make the most money💰💰💰#美国6月非农数据高于预期