Recently, BLAST has again attracted attention due to problems with its airdrop mechanism and market volatility. Problems such as the opaque airdrop process, volatile market prices, security and technical performance issues have emerged one after another, resulting in a decline in user trust and increasingly prominent platform management and operation issues. Despite this, BLAST still has a certain influence and potential in the market. The short-term market performance and the support of large platforms such as Coinbase show that BLAST is not without merit. The key to future development lies in whether BLAST can solve the current challenges, rebuild user confidence, and truly deliver on its promised features and advantages. What will be the future of BLAST? Can it overcome these challenges and maintain its position in the market? Or will it gradually disappear under continued user scrutiny? The answers to these questions are still uncertain, but will undoubtedly have a profound impact on the entire blockchain market. Will we see a more transparent, fair and secure BLAST network, or will it ultimately disappoint? Only time will reveal the answer.

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