In just over a week, the market of the B circle can make all retail investors go from heaven to hell.

As a result, we are still immersed in panic. Now Bitcoin has risen from 53,000 to around 60,000, but there is no excitement as before, and we are even more pessimistic about the subsequent market.

The market during this period is actually like the weather in the south. July has entered summer, but there are floods and heavy rains everywhere in the south. It has rained for almost a month here.

But does the rain and floods during this period mean that summer is over?

Not really. On the contrary, when the rain and floods are over during this period, the real summer will come, and the whole country will usher in high temperatures.

The market of the B circle is actually the same as the season we are in now.

The price of the big cake has risen from 15,487 US dollars to 73,000 US dollars, breaking the historical high. Every time the low point of the callback is also raised, this is not a bull market. What kind of market is a bull market?

If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge of the currency circle and the first-hand cutting-edge information, pay attention to the daily market analysis released by Orange Jun Yangli and the recommendation of high-quality potential currencies.

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