💥What is copy trading? Benefits of copy trading

💣Copy trading allows users to copy the portfolios of experienced traders in real time. After determining the investment amount, the system automatically copies trading information from experienced traders that the user follows.

📣Copy trading services are increasingly popular and favored by many investors. One of the important things is choosing a reputable platform and trader. Binance's copy trading service is one of the names that offers many incentives for both main traders and copy traders.

📊Advantages of copy trading

 🏆Automated Trading: Ability to automate trading by following other profitable traders. Users need to find profitable traders with good trading results and check periodically.

🔔Search for traders: Most copy trading platforms allow users to filter through various metrics on the site, including trading results, profits and losses, average size of trades winning and losing trades, average risk per trade…

🔥Not affected by emotions: Users do not have to analyze the market and trade themselves, so they are not affected by emotions of fear or excitement.

🎲However, all investments have a certain level of risk. In copy trading, if the strategy fails, the user can lose their investment quickly. 

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