Japanese company Mateplanet's Bitcoin investment strategy

Today we are going to talk about two news about Japan. First is Mateplanet, whose strategy is reminiscent of Microstrategy in the United States. Since Mateplanet began converting some of its cash assets into Bitcoin, the company's stock has risen by an astonishing 70%. Recently, Mateplanet purchased another $1.2 million worth of Bitcoin, about 20.2 coins. Although it is incomparable to Microstrategy in size, every time a company adopts a Bitcoin strategy, we can witness the positive impact on its stock price.

Mateplanet recently planned a new round of Bitcoin fundraising, expecting to purchase a total of $6 million worth of Bitcoin. At present, they have purchased $1.2 million in Bitcoin, which means that there are still $4.8 million worth of Bitcoin waiting to be purchased.

I believe that in the face of the problem of depreciation of traditional currencies, more companies will convert part of their cash into Bitcoin in the future. This is not only an investment diversification strategy, but also an effective means of hedging inflation.

However, there will always be fluctuations in the market, which is an unchanging truth. We cannot naively think that as the crypto market matures, Bitcoin will be smooth sailing from now on. Although, as more institutions and companies begin to adopt Bitcoin strategies, this may provide some support for Bitcoin prices, it does not mean that the market will be completely stable. If you have the idea that Bitcoin prices will not fall again, it will be difficult for you to survive in the crypto market for a long time! $BTC

Sony restarts cryptocurrency exchange Whalefin

The second news is about Sony, the famous Japanese electrical appliance manufacturer decided to restart its cryptocurrency exchange Whalefin. Whalefin originally belonged to Amber group, and after Sony acquired the company in August last year, it planned to restart the Whalefin exchange business and develop a new APP for it. This move shows Sony's ambition to enter the cryptocurrency field. Sony has already made some layouts in the fields of NFT and Web3, and now wants to launch its own exchange, which will have a positive effect on Japanese investors and the overall cryptocurrency atmosphere.

In the future, how Sony integrates its game platform PlayStation, cryptocurrency payments and its exchange business will also be the focus of great attention in the industry.

#Mateplanet #Sony #日本市场