📉 Bitcoin price decoding under media narrative: Mt.Gox repayment plan and German government's transfer game📊

Recently, the fluctuation of Bitcoin price has once again become the focus of the media. The current mainstream media generally focuses on two points:

One is that Mt.Gox started the debtor repayment plan; the other is the German government's large-scale Bitcoin transfer. However, behind these reports, we need to understand the market dynamics more deeply. #MtGoxJulyRepayments #德国政府转移比特币 #IntroToCopytrading

First, historically, the hype of Mt.Gox-related news often coincides with the regional bottom of Bitcoin prices. In the past two years, whenever the news of Mt.Gox was hyped by the media, it actually often marked a regional bottom of Bitcoin prices, rather than entering a bottomless abyss.

Secondly, although the German government's transfer of Bitcoin has caused widespread speculation in the market, some people speculate that this may be the government's preparation for the sale of Bitcoin, but these speculations lack conclusive evidence. It has been observed that most of these Bitcoins were actually transferred back shortly after they were transferred out. Although we don't understand the real motive of the German government's move, it has undoubtedly brought a certain amount of panic selling pressure to the market. $BTC

What I want to emphasize here is that the market is always driven by prices, not by narratives. However, the reality is that whenever the market rises and falls sharply, the media and opinion leaders will rush out and try to find various reasons to explain these incentives. If you are carried away by this trend in the market, then you are likely to be a brand new leek in the investment market. 🌱