The dormant Bitcoin address for 13 years was activated, involving 33 BTC ~~

The address contains 33 BTC (some reports say 33.99 BTC), which is equivalent to about US$2,142,474 at the exchange rate at the time.

The number of bitcoins originally held in the dormant address was 33 (or 33.99), which is a relatively large number, showing the long-term holding strategy of early Bitcoin holders.

Although this event itself has limited impact on the overall Bitcoin market, it has once again aroused people's attention to the long-term investment value of Bitcoin and the behavioral strategy of holders.

The activation of a dormant Bitcoin address for 13 years is an interesting phenomenon in the Bitcoin market. It shows the long-term investment strategy of Bitcoin holders and the potential of Bitcoin as a long-term investment tool. At the same time, this event has once again aroused people's attention and discussion on the Bitcoin market.