Telegram's integration with the TON blockchain has recently attracted heated discussions in the community. The high-end financial management products launched by Telegram Wallet have been touted by specific media and communities, attracting communities to invest funds. However, some communities pointed out that Telegram Wallet locked their funds based on user terms and is now unable to move.

A few days ago, Lianxin News reported on the suspicious risks of Telegram Wallet. If this problem is not resolved, it may be a prophecy and users TON will lose their assets.

Telegram Wallet 50% annualized profit?

Open the Wallet bot in Telegram and you will see a big APY financial product promotion: "Use $USDT to earn 50% APY in Wallet." Depositing $USDT can share a bonus pool of 5 million TON. During the promotion period, from 5 From August 1st to August 31st, the upper limit for a single wallet is 3,000 USDT.

It’s important to note that despite the advertised 50% APY, the bonus reduces to 25% for two weeks and to 5% after another two weeks. and last for two months.

Source: Telegram

Playing Ton community: Money is locked, official response canned message

Recently, there have been reports in the community that after submitting KYC information, the wallet was subject to access restrictions due to "verification rejection". After contacting the Wallet account, I only got "Regrettably, the verification has not been successful. Wallet functions will remain limited in accordance with cl. 7 of the User Agreement." (Unfortunately, the verification has not been successful. According to cl. 7 of the User Agreement. ), wallet functionality will remain limited.

Source: Lian News

Article 7 of the user agreement shows that if there are compliance concerns or risky wallets, they may be restricted.

And the account's automatic reply stated that identity verification can only be done once and cannot be done again. And repeating canned messages can put these users who invest in financial products into panic.

Source: Lian News

Source: Lian News

The automatic reply information indicates that verification can only be done once.

There have been similar cases abroad, but they were unblocked a month later

According to information shared by a Reddit user in May this year, after he introduced the KYC policy in his Telegram wallet, the assets in the wallet could not be transferred. When he wanted to increase the KYC level to "Extended", he was ignored by the customer service staff and continued to speak English and Russian. Wen finally received a response one month after writing the letter, and the wallet was unblocked two weeks later.

Telegram Wallet operations remain opaque

Lian News once reported that Telegram Wallet issued an announcement in April this year that it changed its operator to WOT Global Solution Ltd. However, except for the company's visible presence in Telegram's announcement and quotes from some currency media, no registered company could be found. relevant information.

According to public information, the founder of Telegram is located in Dubai, and its engineering team may be located in Iran and India; the current Ton-related developers are mainly Russian, and the application community is distributed in Asia, including China, South Korea and Taiwan. If you use an application similar to WeChat's "mini program" in the ecosystem, it does not mean that Telegram endorses the security. The team behind it and the company information that traces the rights are also relatively opaque, so you should pay attention to the investment risks.

[Disclaimer] There are risks in the market, so investment needs to be cautious. This article does not constitute investment advice, and users should consider whether any opinions, views or conclusions contained in this article are appropriate for their particular circumstances. Invest accordingly and do so at your own risk.

  • This article is reprinted with permission from: Lian News