Major breakthrough!!!

Hashdex Bitcoin Ethereum Dual ETF approved by the US SEC!

Big news! Hashdex's Bitcoin and Ethereum dual ETF has successfully been approved by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)! The SEC has already issued a notice to solicit public comments on the proposed rule changes!

This ETF is amazing. The goal is to provide institutional investors with a convenient channel to directly access Bitcoin and Ethereum, and to cleverly avoid the risks brought by digital currencies.

You know, if you want to really land, Hashdex must not only obtain SEC approval for this application, but also pass the S-1 application.

In addition, they plan to work with Coinbase Custody Trust Company and Bitcoin Trust to let these two companies serve as custodians of BTC and ETH.

If public comments strongly support Hashdex's application, the SEC may postpone its decision, and the expected approval deadline is around March 2025.

Since the US SEC approved the Bitcoin ETF at the beginning of this year, the US market's interest in cryptocurrency exchange products (ETPs) has been rising!

Other applications for crypto ETPs such as Solana and XRP ETFs are also increasing! The world of cryptocurrency is getting more and more lively!

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