
What is the Fed doing by holding on to interest rate cuts?

Since the financial crisis in 2008, the United States has relied on debt to drive the economy, and economic crises have frequently erupted.

In 2020, the Fed printed money crazily, and inflation became a big problem.

In the face of inflation, the Fed's interest rate hikes and balance sheet reduction are of no use at all! Raising interest rates cannot eliminate excess liquidity, and it also generates a large amount of capital gains. Once it flows into the market, it will be terrible!

Moreover, the interest rate hike has led to an inverted yield curve between long-term and short-term treasury bonds. If you deposit money in a bank and buy short-term U.S. bonds, you can get a 5% risk-free return. Who would still engage in venture capital and production?

The consumer side benefits from high returns, and the downward trend in inflation is temporary. Once the Fed cuts interest rates, inflation will swoop back, even more severe than in 2020!

It's so dangerous, why doesn't the Fed cut interest rates?

I think it's just a strategy to drive up the price of US dollar assets, absorb liquidity, and wait for the funds of the takeover heroes to evaporate, so as to achieve the goal of reshaping the global economic landscape!

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