Finally, BTC started to rise today.

If the GDP data of the United States in July looks good, that is, there is no problem in the economy, and inflation continues to decline in the macro sense (rebound is bearish). Then it will stimulate the market emotionally. But liquidity is sluggish. There is no new capital entering, unlike the period in late February and March.

So based on this situation, the market will be stimulated by emotions in the future, and BTC will continue to fluctuate and rise. As for ETH, after the sale of the news ends, whether it can quickly rush to the previous high of 4,800, it depends on the net inflow of funds of ETH's ETF.

As for ETH, the king of altcoins, after passing ETF, whether it can lead a wave of general rise in altcoins, this is actually a bit optimistic.

As for which altcoins have opportunities, you can look at the ETH ecosystem. And it mainly depends on which tracks have rebounded strongly today.

wif, sol omni bonk bome bb, etc., in fact, they are mainly meme L1 tracks, and there are not many other opportunities.