Things you must do before withdrawing virtual currency: I recommend you to collect them

Do you think you can just find a buyer to cash out virtual currency? Yes, the virtual currency is sold and the money is in hand, but the consequence of selling virtual currency so simply is that the receiving bank will freeze it nine times out of ten, and if you want to unfreeze the bank card after it is frozen, the public security agency will ask you to produce evidence to prove your innocence. If you want to produce evidence to prove the real transaction.

When withdrawing money from virtual currency, you must do the following work

First, how much do you know about the buyer? This is often asked by the public security agency. Virtual currency transactions are not like buying and selling ordinary goods. You must fulfill your reasonable audit obligations. Before the transaction, you must review the other party's account information. If the bank loses funds, you must refuse the transaction. It is not profitable to trade with anyone.

Second, keep the chat records of the corresponding virtual currency sales in time and restore the transaction process

Third, take screenshots of the exchange transaction orders in time. Now the exchange only retains 6 months of transaction orders. If the time is exceeded, the order cannot be retrieved. This is very unfavorable for proving your real transaction. All must be downloaded and backed up in time

Be sure to do the above process before withdrawing funds. Otherwise, the bank card will be frozen and the money will be gone. If it is serious, you will be imprisoned for helping to conceal the letter


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You don’t necessarily lose money in the currency circle. If you don’t learn and don’t ask, you deserve to lose money!


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