The opportunity is coming soon. Fresh arrangements!

Will you feel bad if you lose 20,000 yuan from 1 million yuan?

It is meaningless to always hold. Some people have always said that rolling positions is risky and making money is just luck. I am not saying this to convince you. It is meaningless to convince others. I just hope that people with the same trading philosophy can play together.

It’s just that there is no screening mechanism at present, and there are always harsh voices that interfere with the recognition of those who want to watch.

Observation: bnx, xrp, alice, people, pepe.....

Follow my rhythm for details👈

Follow the devil if you like spot or contract.

The market is temporarily stable, and the news is very important.

The devil immediately ambushed a potential coin that is ready to explode.

Leave it below: 888. Wu Chang will take you! Click on my avatar to take a closer look!

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