July 1, 2024 Grandpa checks in

Recently, there has been a wave of searching for numbers and posting S-pictures on Twitter. KOLs seem to have found the secret code for traffic and have followed suit. This shows how boring the B-circle market is recently. Circle members are no longer keen on finding the secret code for wealth, but indulge themselves in enjoying themselves. Of course, these are harmless. To be honest, the circle originally gave people a rough feeling. It's just that every time something like this happens in the circle, when non-currency topics become popular in the B-circle, it is equivalent to giving us an indirect signal: the market may have bottomed out.

In the past few days, I have expressed my judgment that the market may have bottomed out more than once, and I have entered a part of the position. Of course, for the general trend, it may not be the real bottom, but it has cost-effectiveness and advantages in terms of price. Even if it is a wave of bottom-fishing rebound, it is not bad. Yesterday, the big cake rose from below 61,000 to close to 64,000 points, which basically verified this wave of judgment. Since it is an increase after sideways trading, it will not fall in the short term, and it is likely to continue to go up after sideways trading.

Recently, I have seen many complaints that it is difficult to make money in the B-circle bull market. I will post a picture for you to feel what it means to be really difficult. It is true that in this wave of market, only Bitcoin, Ethereum, a few sectors and a few currencies have risen, and the market value of newly issued coins has reached the maximum as soon as they come out, so there is no chance, but it does not mean that you cannot make money. In fact, compared with other markets, I think the market in the B-circle is already easy to make money. The key is to master the method and adapt to the changes. It can be said that as long as the group members have been following the bear market, they basically make money, it’s just a matter of how much.

I still think the market is going to be positive. Bitcoin will have to sprint towards the pressure of 65,000 first, and the resistance is not great. More importantly, the US stock market has been adjusting from a high level recently. If it continues to reach a new high, it will definitely be good for Bitcoin's price. Under the premise that the general direction is relatively stable, the price adjustments of many copycats have been in place, including the several major L2s that have been criticized recently. The capital behind them has not continued to pull up the market, but I don't think VC will give up so quickly. We have to adapt to the short-term decline.

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