The current analysis of $LISTA /USDT shows a bullish trend with the price at 0.7278 USDT, up 12.89% over the last 24 hours. The 7-period moving average (MA(7)) is at 0.6879 USDT, and the 25-period moving average (MA(25)) is at 0.6949 USDT, with the price currently above both, indicating strong upward momentum. Key support is at 0.5554 USDT, while resistance is at 0.8379 USDT. Increased trading volume during the recent upward movement suggests strong market interest. Traders should watch for pullbacks, particularly near the resistance level, and consider entering long positions on pullbacks to the moving averages with a stop loss below the recent support. Monitoring volume to confirm price action is crucial, as higher volume on upward movements and lower volume on pullbacks strengthen the trend's validity.#IntroToCopytrading #MiCA #Megadrop