$MLN /USDT is currently trading at $21.23, showing a significant 24.66% increase. The 24-hour trading range is between $17.02 and $25.90, with trading volumes of 1.75M MLN and 39.22M USDT. Key moving averages indicate the following: MA(7) at $22.20, MA(25) at $18.43, and MA(99) at $17.61. The market is active on Binance, with a notable trading volume of 76,907.653 and a higher 5-day moving average volume of 203,767.836 compared to the 10-day average of 176,599.513. Over different time frames, the price performance is as follows: -0.98% for today, 27.74% over the last 7 days, -1.12% for 30 days, -13.84% for 90 days, 13.53% for 180 days, and 22.65% for the past year. Technical indicators such as MACD, RSI, and others suggest various market conditions, providing a comprehensive picture for informed trading decisions.

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