@Everyone 7.1 Monday trend analysis and operation suggestions!

The price of Bitcoin is 63400 and Ethereum is 3488. The previous two-phase plan is basically in line with expectations. What you need to pay attention to here is the downward exploration of the weekly and monthly lines, and the trend of the daily line to make a second bottom exploration! Then we can hold it firmly! The short-term trend of Bitcoin here is basically to touch 65500 again. After touching it, there should be a certain shock trend, and the weekly level will oscillate at a high level. For the second exploration, we still look at 59000 and 56000. Both are entry points. The shock here should continue for another month before it can accumulate power and end! Later, we will mainly look at the market in August and September. Our positions should be basically full this month. The trend should be in line with my previous expectations! You must set the proportion of the target you choose. I have told you separately about the coins I hold heavily! Then the short-term pressure level of Bitcoin is 64300 65500 and the support level is 62700 61900

The short-term trend of Ethereum will still fluctuate here. It will be strong in the morning and it depends on the US stock market in the evening. If the US stock market is very weak in the evening, we should wait for the position to be below 6w to increase! The short-term pressure level of Ethereum is 3550 3608 and the support level is 3425 3360#非农就业数据即将公布 #美联储何时降息? #BTC走势预测