@Everyone 7.7 Weekend BTC ETH Midday Trend Analysis and Operation Suggestions

The current price of Bitcoin is 57800 and Ethereum is 3035. I have been telling you to pay attention to the important level of 58500. Sure enough, Bitcoin started to explore the short-term trend again when it reached 58500. The rebound after the decline still did not strongly break through the one-third trend line, so the general expectation of the market is to make a second exploration and then oscillate, and it is planned to do an average price operation around next Wednesday. At present, our positions are some profitable and some floating losses, but basically they are all at the cost price, so the average price operation will be done once, and then patiently wait for the bull market to start! Because a wave of trend market needs at least one month or three months of oscillation, so there is no need to rush! The longer the oscillation, the more fierce the rise! Now we are waiting for the oscillation period to come! Then our grid can also eat a wave! Today is the weekend, I will not analyze the short-term trend in detail. If it is said that this will drive the next week to continue to explore, then Tuesday and Wednesday will be operation opportunities! Everyone just remember our plan! The short-term pressure level of Bitcoin is 58500 and 59900, and the support level is 56800 and 55000.

As for Ethereum, there will be news later, including the interest rate decision. Although the blogger still believes that it is not time for a big trend, it is indeed worth investing. So everyone should buy at 57000. There may be good opportunities later, but we can't just buy at the bottom when trading. No one can buy at the lowest price. This is a given, so we can only operate the remaining positions to pull the average price! Then the recent trend of Ethereum is basically completely synchronized with Bitcoin, so I won't do much analysis! The short-term pressure level of Ethereum is 3080 and 3166, and the support level is 2910 and 2880. Then, if you have a heavy position, you can reduce your position appropriately at 58000. It is recommended to hold 5 or 6 layers! #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息? #ETH投资