It is very likely that if today, as is happening, we close positively and in the coming weeks we hit the ceiling again without breaking the decreasing highs with the approval of the ETFs, there is almost a 90% probability that we will be in a triangular figure that ends in October, so this week's lows were wave 3, in some 3 or 4 we return to the high part of the range with the ETFs, for the following month of August and September return to this low part and reach wave 5 that ends the triangle.

This is my point of view for these months, so even if this month is positive, it is very likely that we will end the quarter at these current levels, without any increase that is too exponential.

So on a weekly basis it is very positive, because we are not at very low levels, and from this bad news that we have had this week, tomorrow we will begin an upward movement.

And when this triangle breaks we will go straight to 100k

So if we close above 61,500 today, we are going to have a positive week.