How leveraged are we in the market?

We have bullish and bearish options.

And this Friday we had the options expiration and we saw a big drop in the bulls, it is clear that due to the levels of that day.

Although the open interest is not that great and the market is low in options.

So we don't have much downward pressure.

And the spread between longs and shorts is at a minimum.

In the futures market we have not seen giant liquidations in recent days. So we are not very leveraged, and we are in a very similar area to where we were a year ago.

So we don't have any euphoria, so we're nowhere near all-time highs on anything.

So rest assured that we will reach 100k in $BTC this year.

By the way, the market in 2021, before starting a parabolic rise, we were mixed between longs and shorts, and when we are negative we are always at the market minimums, and although these days we are positive, we should see a mixed rate by the end of the year. corrective movement of these 3 months