Market analysis at night:

A few big brothers want to experience the characteristics of Xiamen. I understand the last word. I will take a few big brothers out to play at night. I will analyze the market in advance.

$BTC It is still very face-giving. It just stepped on the first support level of 60700 given during the day and started to move up, indicating that the bottom support is effective. It has now stood above 61200, and the small-level rise started to rebound in 4 hours.

As long as the big cake does not fall below 61100 at night, it will go up. Continue to pay attention to the pressure level of 62000-62400 in the daily sideways trading zone. Only when it stands above 62400 will it go out of the upward trend. The upper target/pressure level will first look at the positions around 63000-63700-64400!

If it falls below 61100 at night, then this 4-hour rebound is over. Look at the two positions of 60700-60200 below (the bottom support of the daily sideways trading zone). If it falls below these two positions, it will clearly go out of the downward trend. Pay attention to the two positions of 59250-58200 below. #BTC走势预测

$ETH is weak. After the 1-hour level bottom sideways trading during the day, a big positive line pulled up. At present, the 1-hour level has started to rise and the 2/4-hour rebound market. At night, Ethereum still continues to pay attention to the position of 3385. Only when it stands above this position, the market will start to rebound upward. First, look at the two positions of the sideways trading zone pressure of 3405-3425 in the past two days. Only when it stands above 3425 will it go out of the upward trend!

If it falls below 3385 at night, the market will most likely continue to fall. Pay attention to the two positions of 3363-3335 in the horizontal zone below. If it falls below these two positions, it will clearly go out of the downward trend. Pay attention to the support level of 3284-3213 below! #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥

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