[2024.6.30 BTC/ETH intraday market analysis]

Today is the last day of this month and this week. Tomorrow we will close the monthly and weekly lines. Brothers, please pay attention to the dog dealers before closing! The daily line of Bitcoin Ethereum is sideways, with small-level fluctuations. There is no big market over the weekend. Yesterday, the fluctuation was less than 1 point, and there was no order to do!

Intraday market analysis:

$BTC said in the early morning that if it cannot stand on 6.12, the rebound will be very weak and it will fall back to 60780. After the lowest insertion of 60750, it will rebound at a small level. Today, pay attention to the two positions of 60700 and 60200 in the daily sideways zone support. If it falls below these two positions, it will clearly go out of the downward trend. Pay attention to the two positions of 59250-58200 below the support level.

If it does not fall below the support level of the sideways trading zone below, the small level will continue to fluctuate widely. For rebound, pay attention to the small level pressure level of 61200 in the past two days. Only when it stands above 61200 will it continue to move up to the pressure level of 61800-62400 in the daily sideways trading zone. #BTC走势预测

The ETF of $ETH has been extended. It was harder than the big cake before, but now the market is weaker than me. It will go down if it does not stand above 3390 in the early morning. In the morning, the first support level was broken.

Pay attention to the position of 3385 today. Only when it stands above this position, the small level will start to rebound upward. First look at the pressure level of the sideways trading zone of the past two days, 3405-3425.

If the rebound today cannot stand above 3385, the market will most likely continue to fall. Pay attention to the two positions of 3352-3335 in the sideways zone below. If it falls below these two positions, it will clearly go out of the downward trend. Pay attention to the support level below 3284-3213! #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥

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