Early morning market analysis:

$BTC is currently rebounding at the 1/2 hour level. Pay attention to the 61200 position above. As long as it stands above this position, the small level will start to rise and drive the 4-hour level rebound. Pay attention to the upper target/pressure level near 61800-62400.

If it fails to stand at 61200 in the early morning, it means that the rebound is very weak. Pay attention to the 60780 position when it falls back. This position is very critical. If it does not fall below, it will still rebound. It is likely to fluctuate upward. If it falls below, all levels will enter the short side again. Pay attention to the support level below 60200-59250-58200! #BTC走势预测

$ETH weakened. At present, the short side of the 4 small levels is sideways. Pay attention to the position of 3390 in the early morning. Only when it stands above this position, the small level will start to rebound upward. Pay attention to the upper target/pressure level near 3405-3440-3478.

If it fails to stand at 3390 in the early morning, the market will most likely continue to decline. Pay attention to the support level below 3368-3335-3283! #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥