It’s great! It’s great! ! ! The second golden shovel is online!

Everyone who has lista is happy! ! !

Lista's big pledge is coming, come and masturbate quickly! Pledge to make big money, the big boom📈 is right in front of you!

lista is the star of new coins. Compared with the so-called bb and io, lista is simply not too dazzling!

LISTA token holders can not only pledge their tokens to the Listapie platform, receive multi-layered rewards such as Lista stardlust and Listapie airdrops, participate in the ListapieIDo quota, and provide opportunities to participate in early project investments. And this is a current account and can be withdrawn at any time. Many brothers have finished the first wave of lista, and I have also done 2,000 listas! ! This is so cool.

Moreover, its single slisBNB can realize liquidity mining. Users holding slisBNB can obtain income by participating in liquidity mining. The value of slisBNB is consistent with the appreciation of BNB and the annualized return rate (APY) of BNB. This Giving users the opportunity to freely earn additional income on different DeFi platforms while enjoying passive staking rewards. This is simply a 🐟eat, brothers. Is this hairy thing uncomfortable?

Lista DAO has certain development potential in the field of Liquidity staking. With its innovative model, strong team and support from Binance Labs, Lista DAO is expected to become a new benchmark for decentralized finance!

If you don’t make money from $LISTA , others will! Hurry up, the next big surge is on lista, lista is waiting for you no matter what the wind or rain! #Lista启航新纪元