Lista has risen against the trend again. Can it become the next not?

This morning, lista went straight up to 0.83 at 9:30, and is currently stable around 0.8u. It can be said that it is shining brightly, and 1u is just around the corner! This is very similar to the previous not. Almost all callbacks are for a bigger rise. This is definitely a very attractive currency.

Binance Star $LISTA has both hard power and popularity. The current market value is still low, and it is very worth starting with long-term holding.

Lista DAO is an open source decentralized stablecoin lending protocol

and the liquidity center of LSDt on the BNB smart chain. Users can pledge their BNB liquidity on Lista to mint slisBNB, or borrow lisUsD with various decentralized mortgage assets and their related LST.

LISTA token holders can pledge tokens to the Listapie platform to obtain multi-layer rewards, such as Lista stardust and Listapie airdrops, participate in ListapieIDO quotas, and provide opportunities to participate in early project investments.

slisBNB is the profitable and liquid pledge token of BNB. As the native token of Binance Chain, BNB's prosperous ecology provides more possibilities for slisBNB. slisBNB can realize liquidity mining, and users holding slisBNB can obtain income by participating in liquidity mining.

With its innovative model, strong team and support from Binance Labs, Lista DAO is expected to become a new benchmark for decentralized finance. Lista DAO has great potential for future development by innovating in liquidity pledge.

The last not is still in front of us, so do you still want to miss the current lista? #Lista启航新纪元