Why didn't the altcoin season appear in this round of crypto bull market?

The root cause of this phenomenon lies in the lack of technological innovation and the broader Ponzi FOMO effect. Last year, the inscription FOMO phenomenon led by ORDI, as an emerging asset type, lasted for several months, brought a considerable money-making effect, and attracted a large number of investors to participate.

This year, although Meme-type coins such as Bonk and Pepe are very popular and are regarded as anti-VC (venture capital) coins, the actual participation is low and the money-making effect is not obvious. In addition, AI-type tokens experienced a large-scale increase last year, which is essentially a continuation of the Nvidia effect.

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Why has this phenomenon not been replicated this year? A possible explanation is that the number of leeks in the currency circle is far less than that in the AI ​​field, which requires in-depth analysis.

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