What are the characteristics of the best leeks for the banker? Are you talking about it?

Old people in the circle often say: "Hold coins in a bear market and make money in a bull market", but why do many students lose money in a bull market? There are roughly two reasons: one is operation - chasing ups and downs, frequent trading; the other is choice - not understanding position allocation and not finding high-quality projects. Look at the picture below, can it correspond to your previous operations?

Teacher, did you install surveillance around me? Sorry, the "surveillance" is the banker. In addition to operation, the banker's favorite thing to do every day is to study leeks, and they can make profits by cutting leeks. Do you know what characteristics are the best leeks for the banker? Do you have these characteristics?

Warren Buffett, the stock god, said: Others are afraid of me, I am greedy, and others are greedy, I am afraid. Old leeks regard this sentence as a motto, but many new leeks regard it as a joke and make various confusing operations. Just like the 519 incident a while ago, many students are asking me if it will return to zero? Should I stop loss in time? When everyone is panicking, the teacher's advice to everyone has always been to buy at a low price and hold on to the spot.

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But many students chose to sell at a loss. Why? Bad mentality. If you don't choose a stable investment, you should make a good risk estimate in advance. Many students only want to make money, but risks coexist. When the market plummets, there are two voices in your heart: escape and hold on, let holding on beat escape; during the period of big rise, there are also two voices in your heart: enter the market and wait, let waiting beat entering the market. If you do these two points, you will beat 80% of people in mentality.

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