#美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划

Last night, Ango found a coin that had just released good news. He bought it with great enthusiasm, and then was severely hit by the dog dealer, and lost 20 points. This made me reflect on whether the good news on the news is good after it is implemented?

The good news or bad news on the news is actually not related to the news itself. The decisive factor lies in the overall market environment.

Just like in a bull market, good news will catalyze a huge pump

In a bear market, good news is likely to become bad news, and it will not rise when it should rise, and it will fall when it should fall

For example, the same AI conference good news has completely different results in February/March and June

When the market atmosphere rises, everything will be hyped, and even pigs can fly if they stand at the wind

So radicalism and conservatism should always be viewed dialectically

Don't have too much expectation when you should hide, and don't lose the watermelon when you should wave