#VanEck提交首个SolanaETF #币安合约锦标赛

If you want to invest in altcoins in the long term, you must pay attention to three points:

1. Don't buy altcoins with low market value and great room for growth, but with low market value and only one or two wild icon exchanges. You may say that it may grow into a shib in the future, but you should know that the local dogs made tens of millions in the last round, but only one shib was produced. The rest are all people who are cut to pieces. We come to the currency circle to invest, not to gamble.

2. Don't consider altcoins with too large market value. If they have already exploded and the market value is too large, then there is a high probability that they will decline and be replaced in the next round.

3. Don't buy a concept that is too old-fashioned and has no novelty. The capital market has always been about speculating on new things rather than old things. If you can choose new things, try not to choose old things.

It's best to remember one sentence: don't gamble with yourself if there is no suitable entry opportunity.