​A quick look at the latest developments in the crypto community on June 29

1.ORA joins hands with Stakestone to create new opportunities for staking

ORA has been active recently, not only completing financing, but also reaching a cooperation with Stakestone. ORA points can now be obtained by staking $STONE. Investors are optimistic about this low-key but powerful project.

2.Phaver announcement: July airdrop feast

Phaver announced that it will conduct airdrops in July, but the specific date is unknown. By then, the gas fee will be extremely low, supporting eth and base, and airdrop enthusiasts are eager to try.

3.Puffer has hidden secrets, and the new chain plan has caused heated discussions

Puffer released a mysterious official push, which seems to reveal the plan to build its own chain. The community is eagerly looking forward to tge, but reminds investors to stay calm and avoid blindly following the trend.

4.BOB Summer NFT, verify to win points

BOB launched the Summer NFT series, which can be verified to obtain points after purchase. The price is affordable, and investors can try to get started.

5. Lighthouse NFT briefly broke, the market needs to be cautious

The Lighthouse NFT project broke quickly after mint, and some investors suffered heavy losses. Those who did not participate were lucky to escape the disaster, and market fluctuations need to be treated with caution.

6. Space Nation's new game, NFT helps make money

Space Nation's Immutables NFT collection will be minted in July, and the price is only 0.02e. The early whitelist opportunity is rare, and the test will start on July 5. The new opportunity to make money in the game should not be missed.

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