Stablecoins play an important role in the cryptocurrency market, but recent discussions about USDT and USDC have attracted some attention.

As one of the earliest stablecoins, USDT is not only widely used in cryptocurrency transactions, but also in foreign trade settlement, x-betting and x-money.

With the rise of USDC, some people have begun to pay attention to the exchange rate between USDC and USDT. Once the USDC/USDT exchange rate exceeds 1, it means that funds are leaving the cryptocurrency market and turning to the more stable US dollar.

Observing the transaction volume of the USDC/USDT trading pair on Binance Exchange, it can be found that it is relatively low. This means that a large amount of USDT is exchanged for USDC, and then left the market to become US dollars.

According to data, at present, at least 100-300 million US dollars worth of funds have left the market within 24 hours, which is also one of the reasons for the decline in cryptocurrency market prices.

As retail investors, we need to learn to get information from data. When the growth rate of the total amount of stablecoins decreases, it means that the market may enter a downward trend. Therefore, timely attention to the flow of stablecoins is crucial for investment decisions. To learn more about the relevant knowledge and first-hand cutting-edge information of the currency circle, click on the homepage introduction to join us! Daily market analysis and high-quality potential currency recommendations

In the cryptocurrency market, the use of stablecoins is not only to avoid risks, but also to keep asset value stable when the market fluctuates. Therefore, the observation and analysis of stablecoin behavior will help us better understand the market trend and make more informed investment decisions

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