7.8 Monday Thoughts Analysis

Looking back on yesterday's four-game winning streak, we successfully spent a happy weekend.

Market Analysis

Monday opened with a market crash, falling more than 3,000 points in just a few hours! Today's focus is still on short positions.

Short-term gains have been curbed, and the main structure is still bearish. The daily line closed in the negative, and the downward trend has completely recovered the short-term gains, and the bears once again dominated the market sentiment. In a weak market, the rebound is only for a better downward exploration. Therefore, while we continue to be bearish in the near future, we only remind everyone to be bullish in the short term. The downward trend of the daily line has not changed, so the operation continues to maintain a bearish mindset.

Operational suggestions

Bitcoin (BTC): Short on the rebound to the 55000-55200 range, looking below 53000. Ethereum (ETH): Short on the rebound to the 2880-2900 range, looking below 2750.

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